To personer og en brannbil

Rettssaken mot oss selv


15. apr – 17. apr



forestillingen oppleves gratis på CourtStageTV:

  • TORSDAG / 15. APR /  19:30  HER        
  • FREDAG / 16. APR / 19:30      HER
  • LØRDAG / 17. APR / 19:30      HER

Blaue&Poppy presenterer: Rettsaken mot oss selv
Forestillingen er digital og foregår på engelsk.

Co-produsert av Kilden teater

The Trial Against Ourselves

The Trial Against Ourselves

On Christmas Eve, 2015, Julian Blaue, Edy Poppy and their baby boy are robbed by two impoverished, armed men in Rio de Janeiro. Blaue & Poppy’s first reaction is to report the two assaulters to the tourist police. They later regret it. This is a reversed crime story. Back in Norway, the couple explore the event artistically, turning the guilt question up-side down. Who are the real victims?

As part of the global middle- and upper-class we all exploit the under classes.
In spring 2018, Blaue & Poppy enact a law against structural violence, at Sørlandets kunstmuseum. They then accuse themselves of breaking the law by having acted out structural violence against the two impoverished attackers. In a vehicle they have designed for an investigation into the matter, the duo travel back towards Brazil. In Rio, looking for proof against themselves, they follow the tracks of their assaulters all the way to the prison. In autumn 2018, Blaue & Poppy present an “Interim Report” at the prestigious Museu de Arte do Rio, Kristiansand kunsthall and Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler.

The final act of this juridical drama is “The Trial Against Ourselves”. The accused artists present their findings from Rio as evidence of their supposed breach of law. The prosecutor agrees with their guilt, whilst the defence lawyer is defending them against their will. You can be a participant in the jury. After cross examinations, testimonies, expert statements and more, you will be asked, together with the judge, to determine the fate of Blaue & Poppy. The outcome of this staged courtroom trial – the verdict – could have very real effects on the lives of Blaue & Poppy.
But, since it is a theatre, not a courthouse, the punishment is not legally binding. Can the artists, nevertheless, hope for any legal consequences of having a trial-performance that showcases that it has no legal consequences? Can an artistic precedent bring the law against structural violence away from the stage and into the parliament, and the accused out of the theatre and into the court house?

Blaue & Poppy accuse themselves of a crime with global consequences. This is why a global jury, live-streamed into the theatre by CourtStageTV, is necessary. This international court-theatre channel will also broadcast the event out into the world. Thus a global public can witness that “The Trial Against Ourselves” is just and fair. CourtStageTV promises juicy and surprising stories, unexpected turns of events and real trauma. You need to see it to believe it!

Each staged event of “The Trial Against Ourselves” will be live, unique and unpredictable. The defence lawyer and the prosecutor will choose their strategies in front of your eyes to guarantee that Blaue and Poppy give uncensored testimonies. The judge will constantly ensure that legal procedures are followed. If, towards the end of this trial, the jury finds Blaue & Poppy guilty, the judge will sentence them with a punishment, not yet known. If the jury finds them not-guilty, the show is over.

Become a participant in this exclusive jury! Send «global jury» to to receive a link.

Become an audience member of this trial! Watch CourtStageTV’s live-stream:




“The Trial Against Ourselves” starts at 19.30, local time and will be simultaneously streamed worldwide at:

Lagos, Kinshasa, Roma, Berlin & Oslo 19.30, Helsinki, Athens, Cape Town & Cairo 20.30, Istanbul, Bagdad & Moskva 21.30, Teheran 22.00, New Delhi 00.00, Hanoi & Bangkok 01.30, Kuala Lumpur & Beijing 02.30, Tokyo & Pyongyang 03.30, Darwin 04.00, Sydney 05.30, Honolulu 08.30, Silicon Valley & Los Angeles 10.30, Mexico City 12.30, Havana & New York 13.30, Brasília & Rio 15.30, Dakar, Reykjavík & London 18.30.

Julaften 2015 blir Julian Blaue, Edy Poppy og babyen deres ranet av to bevæpnede fattige menn i Rio de Janeiro. Først anmelder de dem til turistpolitiet, så angrer de. Det er starten på en omvendt kriminalhistorie. Tilbake i Norge utforsker paret hendelsen gjennom sitt kunstneriske blikk. Skyldspørsmålet snues på hodet. Hvem er egentlig ofrene?

Hver «Rettssak mot oss selv» blir live, enestående og uforutsigbar. Advokat og aktor velger der og da strategiene for å få Blaue & Poppy til å avlegge usensurerte vitnesbyrd. Samtidig kontrollerer dommeren at juridiske regler blir overholdt. Dersom juryen finner Blaue & Poppy skyldige mot slutten av rettssaken, dømmer han dem til en ennå ukjent straff. Dersom juryen frikjenner dem, er showet over.

Blaue & Poppy anklager seg selv for en forbrytelse med globale konsekvenser. Derfor trengs en global jury streamet live inn som scenebilde av CourtStageTV. Denne internasjonale domstolsteaterkanalen sender også retts-eventet live ut til et globalt publikum som bevitner at «Rettssaken mot oss selv» foregår just and fair. CourtStageTV lover saftige og overraskende historier, uventede turns of events og ekte traumer. You need to see it to believe it!

I samarbeide med Kulturrådet og Kristiansand Kommune.

Mer om rettsaken mot oss selv

Som del av den globale middel- og overklassen utbytter vi alle de globale underklassene. Våren 2018 vedtar Blaue & Poppy en lov mot strukturell vold på Sørlandets kunstmuseum og anmelder seg selv for å ha brutt denne overfor de to fattige ranerne. Så reiser de tilbake mot Brasil i etterforskningsbrannbilen sin. I Rio, på leting etter bevis mot seg selv, beveger de seg i fotsporene til overfallsmennene, helt frem til fengselet. Høsten 2018 avholder de en «Mellomrapport» på det prestisjefylte Museu de Arte do Rio, Kristiansand kunsthall og Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler.

Den siste akten i dette jussdramaet er «Rettssaken mot oss selv». De tiltalte kunstnerne presenterer Rio-funnene som ett bevis for sitt påståtte lovbrudd. Aktoren er på deres side. Advokaten forsvarer dem mot deres vilje. Du kan bli del av juryen. Etter kryssforhør, vitnesbyrd, ekspertuttalelser m.m. har du da mulighet til å bestemme Blaue & Poppys skjebne sammen med dommeren. Dommen kan innebære et inngrep i kunstnerduoens liv, en ekte straff, men er ikke juridisk gyldig. Kan det å skandalisere i rettssaksforestillingen, at forestillingen ikke har juridiske følger, få følger? Kan det kunstneriske presedenstilfellet føre loven mot strukturell vold bort fra scenen og inn på Stortinget og de tiltalte ut av teateret og inn i tinghuset?

Blaue & Poppy anklager seg selv for en forbrytelse med globale konsekvenser. Derfor trengs en global jury streamet live inn som scenebilde av CourtStageTV. Denne internasjonale domstolsteaterkanalen sender også retts-eventet live ut til et globalt publikum som bevitner at «Rettssaken mot oss selv» foregår just and fair. CourtStageTV lover saftige og overraskende historier, uventede turns of events og ekte traumer.
You need to see it to believe it!

The Trial Against Ourselves

The Trial Against Ourselves

On Christmas Eve, 2015, Julian Blaue, Edy Poppy and their baby boy are robbed by two impoverished, armed men in Rio de Janeiro. Blaue & Poppy’s first reaction is to report the two assaulters to the tourist police. They later regret it. This is a reversed crime story. Back in Norway, the couple explore the event artistically, turning the guilt question up-side down. Who are the real victims?

As part of the global middle- and upper-class we all exploit the under classes.
In spring 2018, Blaue & Poppy enact a law against structural violence, at Sørlandets kunstmuseum. They then accuse themselves of breaking the law by having acted out structural violence against the two impoverished attackers. In a vehicle they have designed for an investigation into the matter, the duo travel back towards Brazil. In Rio, looking for proof against themselves, they follow the tracks of their assaulters all the way to the prison. In autumn 2018, Blaue & Poppy present an “Interim Report” at the prestigious Museu de Arte do Rio, Kristiansand kunsthall and Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler.

The final act of this juridical drama is “The Trial Against Ourselves”. The accused artists present their findings from Rio as evidence of their supposed breach of law. The prosecutor agrees with their guilt, whilst the defence lawyer is defending them against their will. You can be a participant in the jury. After cross examinations, testimonies, expert statements and more, you will be asked, together with the judge, to determine the fate of Blaue & Poppy. The outcome of this staged courtroom trial – the verdict – could have very real effects on the lives of Blaue & Poppy.
But, since it is a theatre, not a courthouse, the punishment is not legally binding. Can the artists, nevertheless, hope for any legal consequences of having a trial-performance that showcases that it has no legal consequences? Can an artistic precedent bring the law against structural violence away from the stage and into the parliament, and the accused out of the theatre and into the court house?

Blaue & Poppy accuse themselves of a crime with global consequences. This is why a global jury, live-streamed into the theatre by CourtStageTV, is necessary. This international court-theatre channel will also broadcast the event out into the world. Thus a global public can witness that “The Trial Against Ourselves” is just and fair. CourtStageTV promises juicy and surprising stories, unexpected turns of events and real trauma. You need to see it to believe it!

Each staged event of “The Trial Against Ourselves” will be live, unique and unpredictable. The defence lawyer and the prosecutor will choose their strategies in front of your eyes to guarantee that Blaue and Poppy give uncensored testimonies. The judge will constantly ensure that legal procedures are followed. If, towards the end of this trial, the jury finds Blaue & Poppy guilty, the judge will sentence them with a punishment, not yet known. If the jury finds them not-guilty, the show is over.

Become a participant in this exclusive jury! Send «global jury» to to receive a link.

Become an audience member of this trial! Watch CourtStageTV’s live-stream:




“The Trial Against Ourselves” starts at 19.30, local time and will be simultaneously streamed worldwide at:

Lagos, Kinshasa, Roma, Berlin & Oslo 19.30, Helsinki, Athens, Cape Town & Cairo 20.30, Istanbul, Bagdad & Moskva 21.30, Teheran 22.00, New Delhi 00.00, Hanoi & Bangkok 01.30, Kuala Lumpur & Beijing 02.30, Tokyo & Pyongyang 03.30, Darwin 04.00, Sydney 05.30, Honolulu 08.30, Silicon Valley & Los Angeles 10.30, Mexico City 12.30, Havana & New York 13.30, Brasília & Rio 15.30, Dakar, Reykjavík & London 18.30.

  • blaue&poppy

    Blaue & Poppy er en prisbelønt, tysk-norsk transkontinental agerende skrive- og performance-duo. Kunstner Julian Blaue, som har hatt oppsiktsvekkende performances på bl.a. Staatsoper i Berlin og den Nationale Scenen i Bergen, og forfatter Edy Poppy, som har publisert kritikerrost prosa oversatt til fem språk, er partners in crime, love and art. De forelsket seg i 2014, da de skapte performancen «Den monomane fortiden og den transvestittiske fremtidsutopien» på Henie Onstad kunstsenter. Siden skapte Blaue & Poppy en politisk kjærlighetsserie: «Den seksuelle kroppen», på Dramatikkens hus i Oslo, «Love Train. Love Pain» for Bøker i Bø, «What about the materiality of the Body, Judy?» i tidsskriftet Manifest, «Debt» på Staatstheater Darmstadt og «Artistic Love Record», som de har turnert verden med. Duoen lanserte loven mot strukturell vold i Bulgaria i 2019 og det ble til artikkelperformancen «Det er jo bare Papir» i avisa Ny Tid, også vist live på Teatret i Kristiansand under kunstfestivalen ReGeneration. I 2018 startet Blaue & Poppy arbeidet med performanceserien «Det personlige møtet med verdenspolitikken» som består av «Selvanmeldelsen» på Sørlandets kunstmuseum, «Mellomrapporten» på bl.a. Museu de Arte do Rio og, nå, «Rettssaken mot oss selv», på bl.a. Kilden teater, Stamsund Internasjonale Teaterfestival og CourtStageTV.

    In English:

    Blaue & Poppy are an award-winning, German-Norwegian writing- and performance duo, operating trans-continentally. The artist, Julian Blaue, who has had celebrated and controversial performances in venues like Staatsoper, Berlin, and at The National Scene, Bergen, and writer, Edy Poppy, who has published critically acclaimed prose, translated into five languages, are partners in crime, love and art. They fell in love in 2014 when they created the performance “The Monomaniac Past and the Transvestite Utopia of the Future” at Henie Onstad Art Center, in Oslo. Later, Blaue & Poppy created a political love series: “The Sexual Body” at Dramatikkens hus, Oslo, “Love Train, Love Pain” at Bøker i Bø, “What About the Materiality of the Body, Judy?” in the journal Manifest, “Debt” at Staatstheater Darmstadt, and “Artistic Love Record”, with which they have toured the world. The duo launched the law against structural violence in Bulgaria in 2019, as the background for the article-performance “It’s Only Paper” in the newspaper Ny Tid, also shown live at Teateret, Kristiansand, at the art festival ReGeneration. In 2018 Blaue & Poppy started working on the performance series “The Personal Encounter with World Politics”, consisting of “The Criminal Complaint Performance” at Sørlandets kunstmuseum, “The Interim Report” at Museu de Arte do Rio et al. and, the upcoming, “The Trial Against Ourselves” at Kilden Performing Arts Centre, Stamsund International Theatre Festival and on CourtStageTV.

  • kunsterisk lag

    Regissør: Julian Blaue

    Co-regissør: Edy Poppy

    Konsept: Julian Blaue

    Tekst: Blaue & Poppy

    Performere: Blaue & Poppy

    Skuespillere og medskapere: Jacob Jensen, Samantha Lawson, og Laura Mitzkus

    Scenografer og kostymedesignere: Pelle Brage og Julia Rosa

    Produsenter: Kjell Hjelmerud (Kilden) Edy Poppy (Blaue & Poppy)

    Dramaturger: Endre Sannes Hadland (Kilden), Jeppe Kristensen (Fix & Foxy)

    Juridisk rådgiver: Jacob Jensen

    Engelsk korrekturleser: Samantha Lawson

    Assistenter: Frida Marie Blankenburg og Hanna Dybvik Inderlid, Ingrid Hamlandsø Hellan, Sofie Qvale, Thaline Magli Omdal, Sabina Jajevski.

    Co-produsert av Kilden teater


    Kunstnerisk mentor: Maja Friis (prisvinnende dansk filmskaper)

    Regissør: Blaue & Poppy og Kristian Mosvold

    Teknisk ansvarlig: Håvard Njåstad (Kilden Digital)

    Bilderegi: Henrik Nielsen Mørch

    Fotograf: Tobias Rysstad

    Produsenter: Ruben Lervåg (Kilden Digital), Kristian Mosvold (Substans Film)

    In English:

    Director: Julian Blaue

    Co-director: Edy Poppy

    Concept: Julian Blaue

    Text: Blaue & Poppy

    Performers: Blaue & Poppy

    Actors and co-creators: Jacob Jensen, Samantha Lawson, and Laura Mitzkus

    Scenographers and costume designers: Pelle Brage and Julia Rosa

    Producers: Kjell Hjelmerud (Kilden) and Edy Poppy

    Dramaturges: Endre Sannes Hadland (Kilden) and Jeppe Kristensen (Fix & Foxy)

    Juridical advisor: Jacob Jensen

    Proof reader: Samantha Lawson

    Assistants: Frida Marie Blankenburg and Hanna Dybvik Inderlid, Ingrid Hamlandsø Hellan, Sofie Qvale, Thaline Magli Omdal, Sabina Jajevski.

    Co-produced by Kilden Performing Arts Centre


    Artistic Mentor: Maja Friis (award winning Danish film director)

    Directors: Blaue & Poppy and Kristian Mosvold

    Technical Manager: Håvard Njåstad and Petter Sørensen (Kilden Digital)

    Image Director: Henrik Nielsen Mørch

    Photographer: Tobias Rysstad

    Producers: Ruben Lervåg (Kilden Digital) and Kristian Mosvold (Substans Film)

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Rettssaken mot oss selv –

CourtstageTVs worldwide local time

“The Trial Against Ourselves” starts at 19.30, local time and will be simultaneously streamed worldwide at: 

Lagos, Kinshasa, Roma, Berlin & Oslo 19.30, Helsinki, Athens, Cape Town & Cairo 20.30, Istanbul, Bagdad & Moskva 21.30, Teheran 22.00, New Delhi 00.00, Hanoi & Bangkok 01.30, Kuala Lumpur & Beijing 02.30, Tokyo & Pyongyang 03.30, Darwin 04.00, Sydney 05.30, Honolulu 08.30, Silicon Valley & Los Angeles 10.30, Mexico City 12.30, Havana & New York 13.30, Brasília & Rio 15.30, Dakar, Reykjavík & London 18.30.

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