Teatergruppen Fotspor

Fotspor er en teatergruppe med deltakere fra arbeidspraksisprogrammet til Kirkens Bymisjon, og et eksempel på hvordan vi jobber som kompetansesenter for medskapende kunst og sosial praksis. Under mottoet opplevelse – innlevelse – deltagelse strekker vi hånden utover scenekanten og inviterer flere til å skape kunst sammen med oss.

Teatergruppa Fotspor jobber prosessorientert, ved at deltakerne selv skaper forestillingene under veiledning av teaterpedagog. De møtes til ukentlige øvelser i skuespillerteknikk, fortellerteknikk, kroppsbeherskelse, stemmeteknikk og sang.

Fotspor ble etablert høsten 2009, og er et samarbeid mellom Kirkens Bymisjon, Universitetet i Agder og Kilden Dialog. Teatergruppa samarbeider med aktører som Kristiansand Symfoniorkester, seniorkoret Sølvstrupene, skuespillere og kunstfagstudenter fra Universitetet i Agder.

Ønsker du mer informasjon, send en e-post til christine.helland@kilden.com

  • Tidligere forestillinger


    Eventyraksjonen, egenprodusert forestilling fremført i Kirkens Bymisjon i oktober.

    Juleevangeliet, sammen med Seniorkoret Sølvstrupene.


    Juleevangeliet, sammen med Kristiansand Symfoniorkester, Kristiansand Kammer- og Operakor, jentekoret Benedictus og Kildens seniorkor Sølvstrupene. Les anmeldelse her.

    Rebell, rebell! Teatergruppen formet forestillingen gjennom improvisasjon, idémyldring og diskusjoner.


    Snehvit og de syv dvergene – et moderne eventyr. Sammen med seniorkoret Kilden Sølvstrupene. Manus var skrevet av instruktør og regissør Christine Helland, mens tekstene til ABBAs kjente melodier var skrevet av Sølvstrupenes dirigent Bodil Nørsett.


    Grunnlovsjubileet – et skråblikk. Instruktør Christine Helland. Sangpedagog Birte Myhrstad.

    Medieklipp: Artikkel sornett.no 2014


    Juleevangeliet med Kristiansand Symfoniorkester, Kristiansand Solistensemble, Agder Teater, seniorkoret Sølvstrupene og skolebarn fra Slettheia skole.

    En Midtsommernattsdrøm (forkortet versjon)


    Sandkassen, av Kent Andersson.


    Liv og lyst, diktprogram. Fiolinistene Nataša Vidaćić og Svetlana Jelic fra Kristiansand Symfoniorkester. Gjennomført ved flere anledninger både i og utenfor Kilden.

  • IN ENGLISH - Footprints Theatre Group

    Fotspor / Footprints Theatre group is a weekly meeting place and low-threshold offer for people connected to Kirkens Bymisjon’s / The Church City Mission’s employment programme.

    Through theatre practice the group receives training in acting techniques, narrative techniques, movement, voice techniques and song. Together they work towards larger and smaller performances, often in collaboration with, for instance, Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, the senior choir Sølvstrupene, actors and art students at the University of Agder.

    In Fotspor / Footprints the approach is process orientated, and the participants themselves actively take part in the development and fine-tuning of the performance. This way they take part in both the process leading up to the performance and the actual performance.

    Fotspor / Footprints Theatre group was established in the autumn of 2009, and is a collaboration between Kirkens Bymisjon / The Church City Mission, University of Agder and Kilden Dialog / Dialogue.

    Instructor and drama teacher Christine Helland (Kilden Dialog / Dialogue) and teacher Birte Myhrstad (UiA / UoA) are responsible for Fotspor / Footprints who have their rehearsals at Kilden. If you want to know more about the theatre group, please contact: christine.helland@kilden.com


    Previous performances

    December 2016 the theatre group read the Christmas Gospel in the Christmas concert by the same name. The concert was performed by Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, Kristiansand Kammer- og Operakor / Chamber and Opera Choir, the girls’ choir Benedictus and Kilden’s senior choir Sølvstrupene. Read the review (in Norwegian) here.

    October 2016 Fotspor / Footprints performed Rebell, rebell! / Rebel, rebel! which was developed through process based work. During 2016 the group worked on shaping the performance from scratch, with no manuscript as a basis. The performance was created through improvisations, brainstorming and discussions around what interests, provokes and inspires them. During the process and in the performance the theatre group explored different questions such as:
    What does it mean to be a rebel?
    How are you cast out?
    Will you find your way back?

    Direction and guidance: Christine Helland and Theis Irgens

    October 2015, they developed and performed «Snehvit og de syv dvergene – et moderne eventyr» /  ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs –  a modern fairy tale.’ This time also in collaboration with Kilden Sølvstrupene. The manuscript was written by instructor and director Christine Helland, while the lyrics to ABBA’s melodies was written by the conductor of Sølvstrupene, Bodil Nørsett. Read the review (in Norwegian) here.

    Oktober 2014 Fotspor / Footprints performed, with Kilden Sølvstrupene, a performance related to the 200-year anniversary of the constitution. They themselves developed the ideas and characters and together with instructor Christine Helland and singing teacher Birte Myhrstad they made the performance called ‘Grunnlovsjubileet – et skråblikk’.

    Desember 2012 og 2013 the group were puppeteers in “Juleevangeliet” / The Christmas Gospel’, the big collaboration between Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, Kristiansand Solistensemble, Agder Theatre, the senior choir Sølvstrupene and schoolchildren from Slettheia school.

    May 2013 an abridged version of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ was on the repertoire.

    May 2012 they played the performance “Sandkassen” / ‘The Sandbox’ by Kent Andersson on the studio stage.

    October 2011 Fotspor / Footprints read the poetry programme ”Liv og lyst”  in the foyer of Kilden, together with violinists Nataša Vidaćić and Svetlana Jelic from Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra. This programme has been performed on several occasions both at and outside Kilden.

    November 2010 the group performed their own and others’ writings together with Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra in front of a jam-packed Kristiansand Cathedral to standing ovation.